Digital Fleet

Welcome Back!

Mrs. Bell and I are so excited to kick of the 21-22 school year! We can't wait to see the faces of all our GRE learners and hear about all of the inquiry adventures students encountered over the summer.

In the STEAM Lab this year students will be bringing their classroom devices into the lab. This will allow us to prevent cross contamination of devices across all grade levels. In addition, it will provide students opportunities to learn more about and practice different applications on their classroom devices. Primary students, those in kindergarten, first grade, and second grade will be using their classroom iPads in the STEAM Lab. Intermediate students, those in third grade, fourth grade, and fifth grade will be using their chromebooks.

In addition to learning more about their classroom devices, students will be asked to invent, create, and program during different rotations in the STEAM Lab. We will use various resources throughout the year including Legos, Lego WeDo's, Simple Machine Legos, and robots.

See you soon Gold Rush friends!

Mrs. Bell & Mrs. Fleet